Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2018


People consistently tell us they want to Seagulls stop it now shirt  see more local news on facebook. local news helps us understand the issues that matter in our communities and affect our lives. research suggests that reading local news is directly correlated with civic engagement. people who know what's happening around them are more likely to get involved and help make a difference.when i traveled around the country last year, one theme people kept telling me is how much we all have in common if we can get past some of the most divisive national issues. many people told me they thought that if we could turn down the temperature on the more divisive issues and instead focus on concrete local issues, then we'd all make more progress together.starting today, we're going to show more stories from news sources in your local town or city. if you follow a local publisher or if someone shares a Seagulls stop it now shirt  local story >>> CLINK HERE TO BUY IT :  Seagul